What About Short Term Rentals?

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What About Short Term Rentals?

August 30, 2023 @ 6:30 pm 9:00 pm EDT

Wondering what the hype is about short term rentals, AirBnB?

Looking to determine how you can get started with short term rentals?

Trying to figure out where you can find the property without spending a lot of time?

Wondering how you can get a property without any money?

Thinking you can’t get deals without good credit?

We’re going to show you how you can find profitable deals in under 6 minutes! Use strategies to lock up the deals without having good credit or money.

Create a business, or multiple, that provides monthly cash flow and profits without the stress of dealing with wholesalers or fighting against other investors.

We’ll show you how to manage short term rentals for the least amount of stress and maximum profit while having more time to do what you want.

Speaker: Hugh Zaretsky

Hugh Zaretsky was an IT executive until his wake-up call came on 9/11. Realizing how short life can be, and how important it is to do something you really love. Hugh loves investing in cash-flowing (STR, SFH & Multi-family) properties, businesses, and training entrepreneurs. He is a published author with Jack Canfield, Les Brown and others. His NEW book “The Launch Button” was released on November, 1st 2022 and became an Amazon best seller in 4 categories in 1 day.

Hugh has successfully trained over 12,000 real estate investors & entrepreneurs. He is a former Certified Real Estate Continuing Education Instructor in California, Florida, New York, & Texas. Hugh’s other businesses include a private real estate portfolio company and a co-hosting business to manage Short Term (AirBnB) Rentals for other people.

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August 30, 2023 @ 6:30 pm 9:00 pm EDT

Marriot North Brunswick 231 Main St.
North Brunswick Township, New Jersey United States
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